18 year old blended malt from the Kurayoshi range, created by the Matsui Shuzou distillery. Though not very well-known, Matsui Shuzou have created some rather marvellous expression for this series, made using malt whiskies from Scotland, transported over to Japan, blended with Japanese malt whiskies and brought down to bottling strength with volcanic-rock-filtered water. Released April 2016, this whisky is the product of the Matsui Distillery in southern Honshu. A long-time producer of sake and shochu, Matsui entered the whisky market with only a few labels available in Japan and with almost no stock destined for the international market. This is a blended malt using sourced Scottish single malts and Japanese single malts.
The Kurayoshi 18 Year Old Pure Malt Japanese Whisky
- 750ml